Georgetown Student Mental Health Fund

What is it?

This fund was created to help offset the cost of mental health care for Georgetown undergraduate or graduate students referred out from our Counseling and Psychiatric Service (CAPS) office for ongoing mental health treatment in the community setting. The fund was inaugurated by an initiative led by the Georgetown Undergraduate Student Association (GUSA) and the Office of Student Affairs in 2018 with initial seed money coming from GUSA and an anonymous donor.  Additional funding to expand this program to graduate students was donated by the Georgetown University Graduate Student Government (GradGov) for 2019-2020. Ongoing funding is being supported by the Division of Student Affairs.

Beginning in July 2021, Georgetown University School of Medicine (GUSOM) joined this cause by contributing funds to support medical students in need.

Why was this fund created?

This fund was created to address the financial challenges faced by students in accessing off-campus mental health services.  University mental health services, by design, work on a short-term model, and students with complex needs or needs for long-term therapy are sometimes referred to off-campus therapists and psychiatrists.  The intent of this fund is to help offset some of the cost of obtaining treatment for students who have financial need.

Where does funding come from?

This fund is now supported by the Division of Student Affairs. The total amount of money in the fund is limited and will only be available until the funds are depleted. Funding for medical school students is supported by GUSOM.

Additional information about the fund can be found in the FAQ document linked below. 

Please direct any queries to

How to Apply

Application link: Found here

Application FAQs: Found here

Clinician verification form: Found here