HOYA Wellness Wheel: Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness explores your sense of meaning and existence in life to then fulfill your purpose. Faith, beliefs, values, morals, and ethics help to shape your personal spirituality. It is through the intentional practice of these attributes that you develop spiritual wellness. Nurturing and strengthening your spirit allows you to persevere in the face of difficulty and overcome obstacles. It creates a sense of peace and grace that can aid you in life’s journey, no matter what your beliefs are. Spiritual wellness provides a lifelong foundation in which we are able to embrace others, promote service, and build community.
Spiritual Wellness Themes
- Life’s purpose/calling
- Pluralism
- Development and reflection of values, beliefs, morals, ethics
- Jesuit Values
- Social justice
- Gratitude and kindness
Spiritual Campus Resources
Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry – Campus Ministry seeks to live out John Carroll’s legacy by calling all members of the university community – regardless of religious tradition – to integrate faith and learning to share their gifts with the world, especially the poor and marginalized.The Office of Mission and Ministry provides retreats, seminars, lectures, national and international immersion experiences, service projects, pastoral care, and opportunities for worship and spiritual reflection on campus, on location, and on-line.
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching, and Service (CSJ)
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching, and Service (CSJ) – In order to advance justice and the common good, CSJ promotes and integrates community-based research, teaching and service by collaborating with diverse partners and communities.
Women’s Center
Women’s Center – The Women’s Center collaborates and co-sponsors programs that examine the intersection of faith, social justice and gender identity. In partnership with Campus Ministry and CMEA, the Women’s Center hosts an annual retreat called VOICES. The VOICES retreat provides students a space to explore identity, community, faith, and social justice.
The Office of Residential Living
The Office of Residential Living – The Office of Residential Living embraces the Jesuit values that shape our experience and interactions at Georgetown. In strong partnership with Residential Ministry and the Chaplains in Residence program, Residential Living engages students in formative experiences such as reflection and community service initiatives, while inviting students to be persons for others in the promotion of justice.
LGBTQ Center
LGBTQ Center – The LGBTQ center has sought to build on the rich interfaith and intellectual engagements of Georgetown to create a Center that will speak to the campus’ rich diversity. In collaboration with Campus Ministry, they create safe, welcoming environments where people can bring questions and even struggles about faith and meaning. All people are treated with compassion and sensitivity. They provide opportunities for members of the University community to reflect theologically on sexuality and other life issues.