HOYA Wellness Wheel: Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is being attentive to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, whether positive or negative. You strive to manage your emotions and stress effectively. This dimension of wellness encompasses dealing with situations realistically, coping with change and loss, and responding to life events resiliently. Emotional wellness encourages healthy decision making, taking responsibility for your actions, and learning how both affect others. It promotes self-awareness, self-respect, and inspires the development of inner strength. Overall emotional wellness embraces stress management techniques such as relaxation, reflection, meditation, and self-care.
Emotional Wellness Themes
- Recognizing positive and negative feelings
- Managing acceptance and rejection
- Adaptability
- Coping mechanisms
- Stress management
- Relationship with self and others
- Mental health concerns
- Body Image
- Self-esteem & self-worth
- Saying “no” without feeling guilty
- Adjustment to college
- Homesickness
Emotional Campus Resources
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) – Many students come to CAPS when they experience life events or academic pressures that leave them feeling anxious, confused, lonely, angry, depressed, or overwhelmed. When those feelings persist for more than just a few days, it is often helpful to speak with an unbiased, objective professional. Some students come only for consultation about how to help a friend or family member. Any personal issue that is troubling a student may be discussed in counseling.
Center for Multicultural Equity and Access (CMEA)
Center for Multicultural Equity and Access (CMEA) – CMEA provides advising to support academic and personal development amplified by both in-office walk-in and scheduled weekly counseling appointments with a licensed Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) psychologist. Additionally, a Heath Eduction Services staff clinician holds office hours in CMEA.
Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry – Campus Ministry houses The John Main Center for Meditation and Inter-Religious Dialogue at Georgetown University which promotes the integration of meditation into daily life. The Chaplains and Jesuits in Residence provide pastoral care and crisis intervention to students with and without faith traditions.
Center of Student Engagement – New Student Orientation (NSO)
Center of Student Engagement – New Student Orientation (NSO) is a program that introduces new students to Georgetown University. Over 200 upper-class student volunteers serve as Orientation Advisors and help ease the transition to Georgetown University. Before each fall semester, NSO welcomes first-year and transfer students by providing them with a variety of events and activities designed to make them better acquainted with the university and their peers.
LGBTQ Center
LGBTQ Center – The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Resource Center provides students, faculty, and staff with education, programming, support services, and advocacy on campus-regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Residential Living
Residential Living – The Office of Residential Living serves as an integral part of the University’s Safety Net. Resident Assistants and Community Directors, in partnership with the Chaplains, Jesuits, and Faculty in Residence, offer students programs and spaces for reflection, connection, and learning. Living in community, students learn to care for themselves, their peers, and the their physical space.
Yates Field House
Yates Field House – Yates offers yoga classes for students, Faculty, and Staff through various Group Fitness and Leisure and Recreation Educational classes. Participants learn and master a basic Yoga routine. Instruction is given on the five principles of Yoga to pursue physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Health Education Services
Health Education Services – Health Education Services is a campus provider of health education, and seeks to promote the health and well being of all students through care for the WHOLE Hoya: body, mind, and soul. HES has a mission of empowering students to take responsibility for decisions regarding their health. HES actively tries to increase community identification of students at risk. They provide regular educational outreach and consultation to students and others within the University.
Student Outreach and Support Office
Student Outreach and Support Office – The Office of Student Outreach and Support coordinates the “safety net” for students who experience complex, personal difficulty. SOS works with colleagues across campus to organize outreach and follow-up care to students who are experiencing crisis or distress that impacts their social, personal and/or academic stability. They serve students who are transitioning out of acute psychiatric care and wishing to return to school, students returning from a medical leave of absence, and peers, Academic Deans, or others on campus who are worried about a particular student’s health, safety or wellness.