HOYA Wellness Wheel: Intellectual Wellness

The process of attaining intellectual wellness requires you to expand your knowledge and engage in forward, independent thinking. This will involve pursuing creative, mentally stimulating activities. Activities should enhance individual skills and allow you to share your knowledge and experience with others. Intellectual wellness is rooted in discovering opportunities for growth, developing problem solving skills, and overcoming barriers and challenges. It can be advanced through academics, cultural and community involvement, and exploring personal interests. The desire to acquire information and improve skills in pursuit of lifelong learning contributes to your intellectual wellness.
Intellectual Wellness Themes
- Organizational skills
- Time management skills
- Desire to learn
- Open-mindedness
- Engage with others
- Independent, creative, and critical thinking skills
- Mentorship
- Academic accommodations and support
Intellectual Campus Resources
Academic Resource Center (ARC)
Academic Resource Center (ARC) – Academic Resource Center provides assistance in the study skills necessary for academic achievement through individual consultations, workshops, and tutoring services. Academic coaching to empower student-athletes to become student-centered learners and enhance their academic performance.
Center for Student Engagement (CSE)
Center for Student Engagement (CSE) – The Center for Student Engagement houses a variety of co-curricular organizations & programs. Through these programs students engage in different ideas, learn ways to build an argument, and diplomatic and business skills.
Center for Multicultural Equity and Access (CMEA)
Center for Multicultural Equity and Access (CMEA) – The Center for Multicultural Equity and Access provides academic support services, diversity education, multicultural programing, and college access programming to the District of Columbia community.
Yates Field House
Yates Field House – The “Leisure and Recreation Department” (LRED) offers a variety of non-credit recreation classes for Georgetown University students. Courses include a range of introductory and intermediate instruction in recreation skills and activities that promote and maintain a healthy and more active lifestyle.
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching and Service (CSJ)
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching and Service (CSJ) – CSJ incorporates and builds on decades of vibrant student direct service and social action, and the learning those foster, whether from tutoring and mentoring or educating and organizing. CSJ promotes and helps to develop curricular offerings that incorporate social justice issues. CSJ serves as a catalyst for community-based research, providing research opportunities for faculty and students to partner with communities in the District and beyond.
Cawley Career Education Center
Cawley Career Education Center – The career center is committed to helping students identify their strengths, goals, and growth areas while providing guidance on how to tell their story to others. Career center staff can guide students through barriers or challenges they may face throughout the career development process.
Residential Living
Residential Living – The Office of Residential Living strives to create communities where students learn, connect and thrive. Through an integrative learning approach, Residential Living bridges students’ experiences in and out of the classroom to foster formation in the Jesuit tradition through educational programs like their Faculty-in-Residence program and intentional Living and Learning Communities.
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) – CAPS’ central mission is to collaborate directly with students in overcoming difficulties that may interfere with the definition and accomplishment of their educational, personal, and career goals. Accordingly, CAPS strives to provide students with opportunities to develop greater self-understanding, identify and solve problems, and improve academic performance through the alleviation of psychological, emotional, and cognitive impairments.
Lauinger Library
Lauinger Library – Lauinger Library offers consultations with a librarian subject specialist, who will work with students on what they need for your specific research project. Consultations last up to one hour. They also offer tutorials on multimedia production, design, and professional skills through an online service, Lynda.com.
Writing Center
Writing Center – The Writing Center offers free peer tutoring to all enrolled students. Trained graduate and undergraduate student tutors will assist students at any stage of the writing process, from initial brainstorming to final revisions. Tutors will help you improve your own critical thinking, revision, and editing skills.
Math Assistance Center
Math Assistance Center – The Math Assistance Center offers free tutoring services for Advanced Algebra, Analysis I, Calculus I, Calculus II, Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations, and Probability and Statistics.
Georgetown University Graduate School
Georgetown University Graduate School – Office of Graduate Enrichment – The Graduate School is the academic dean’s office for all graduate students. They strive to help all graduate students’ succeed in their chosen field of study so they leave Georgetown having achieved their degree objectives. The Dean and the staff of the Graduate School monitor program quality and each student’s degree progress under policies established by the faculty through their Executive Committee.
National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature
National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature – A destination library for bioethics scholars worldwide and an exceptional resource for the entire Georgetown community, the Library is home to the world’s largest and most diverse collection of materials on the ethics of health, the environment, and emerging technologies.
Blommer Science Library
Blommer Science Library – Blommer provides information and research services for undergraduate and graduate programs in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and physics. Some 60,000 books and journals are housed in Blommer, and a large portion of our collection is available electronically.
Dahlgren Memorial Library
Dahlgren Memorial Library – Dahlgren Memorial Library (The Graduate Health & Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University Medical Center) acquires, organizes, and provides access to information services and resources in support of the mission of the University and the Medical Center, and consults and collaborates with GUMC faculty, staff, and students to integrate information resources and technologies into teaching, learning, research, patient care, and service.