Archived Virtual Offerings

Please find below digital “group” weekly offerings from past semesters. Scroll down each group to access the archived content.

Dr. Sonja Johansson and Dr. Pooja Datta are bringing their weekly Mindful Monday workshop online!

This weekly email included a selected “playlist” of meditations that we would otherwise be leading you through directly in the room. These carefully selected YouTube or clip playlists will run from 35-45 minutes in total length.

Archived Blasts
Week of March 16th
Week of March 23rd
Week of March 30th
Week of April 6th
Week of April 13th
Week of April 20th

Near the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, previous CAPS clinicians Dr. Jalon and Ms. Liz Belleau created the SOM Healthy Mind, Healthy Body weekly email blast.

This includes coping tools and wellness information to help you as you manage the current times and your academic milestones. Previous editions can be accessed below.

Archived Blasts
Coping During COVID-19
Let’s Get Better Sleep
Coping with Loss
Anxiety and Uncertainty
Caring for Your Whole Self
Self Image

This weekly email blast is designed for students who would like continued support around coping with trauma. The purpose of the content each week is to provide members with tips for coping skills and psychoeducation.

Archived Blasts
Week of April 8th
Week of April 15th
Week of April 22nd
Week of April 29th
Week of May 6th

Our relationship with food, exercise, and our body can be complicated. With the added stress of the current climate, learning to accept and take care of ourselves can be especially challenging. These emails aim to increase feelings of self-acceptance, aid in recovery from an eating disorder, and to share adaptive coping skills and helpful resources.

Archived Blasts
Week of April 8th
Week of April 15th
Week of April 22nd
Week of April 29th

As we all engage in social distancing to take care of one another and to do our part in decreasing the spread of COVID-19, feelings of loneliness can inevitably come up for all of us. Social activity is an important part of all our lives and is linked to positive mental health. We are, after all, social creatures, and relationships play a central role in our well-being. We recognize how difficult it can be to uphold this essential part of life when we are physically isolating from one another. With the “Social Belonging” weekly email blasts, we hope to provide a valuable resource for the Georgetown community to explore how to healthfully maintain social connection during this challenging time. A team of Georgetown clinicians will collaborate to bring you weekly recommendations, suggestions, and ideas for engaging with the people in your life and cultivating meaningful social interactions through virtual platforms. Check the emails to learn more about online book clubs, virtual game nights, Netflix movie marathons, and other ways of connecting with others remotely! Stay safe, healthy, and connected as we navigate this unprecedented time together.

Archived Blasts
Week of April 6th

This podcast series will consist of four episodes, each centered on a topic, such as rupture and repair within relationships, understanding and bolstering our self-worth, and feeling emotions without judging them. In addition to guided meditations and mindfulness exercises, the podcast will incorporate activities designed to cultivate ongoing feelings of connectedness with the various groups of people in our lives.

Episode One: The Power of Allowing Ourselves and Others to Know the Full Range of Our Emotions

Episode Two: Exploring and Valuing the Many Different Parts of Ourselves